Ernst & Young

EY Hologram

We received a call from our agency partner Ogilvy, asking if we can build a “Hologram Device”… that doesn’t exist yet. Our answer?… YES! So, we went to work sketching, fabricating and our Holographic Kiosk Device came to be.

One of a Kind

The aim of the device is to drive awareness to Ernst & Young’s Mergers and Acquisitions division. The device has been on tour from San Fransisco to Boston, to Miami, to LA and back to Florida! It’s been featured at several major events across the US- The Milken Institute, IR & Analyst Summit, Executive Leadership Meeting, and JP Morgan Healthcare Investor Conference. The experience was met with inquisitiveness, interest and ultimately, rave reviews! There is only one in the world.

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The Results

Bajibot conceptualized, storyboarded and animated all of the hologram content which visually tells EY’s story of M&A. The physical device was also designed from scratch with the goal of being sleek, attention-grabbing and easily travel to various event locations.